Customs Clearance (US-Mexican Brokerage)
Our competitive advantage is a Customs Clearance strategy that consists of carrying out anticipated and scheduled revalidations of container clearance at the terminals. In addition, we operate under constant programming of Extraordinary Services every day of the year. Our priority has always been to provide high-quality services and solutions with measurable, verifiable, and guaranteed results.

US Customs Brokerage
For your export operations to the United States, you can count on, Alejandro Campero Jr. CHB. Our firm has a national permit that allows us to conduct customs clearance remotely at any port in the United States as well as certifications and vast experience in handling food products:
Legal counsel in terms of Customs matters
24/7 report system online and of multiple customs
Linking information to the different systems required by the client
Exclusive permit for handling exports in the food sector
Mexico Custom Brokerage
In addition to all our customers, CONSAD provides you with an up-to-date permit in customs legislation, including the interpretation and application of the foreign trade general rules.
As well as the objective that the CONSAD customers have the certainty in all their operations, CONSAD practices preventive audits in the foreign trade area, As a way of correcting any deficiency or mistake in the corresponding documentation.
CONSAD with the encouragement of attenuating the procedure and time. The personnel provides the representation on behalf of the various authorities related to the foreign trade to process all kinds of permits, for example; at the ministry of economy, SAGARPA, SAT, and SEDENA.

Maritime Service
With a warehouse located in CONSAD, we have the experience and the knowledge to navigate the customs process and provide efficient solutions to avoid any unnecessary delays and costs for our customers.
Loading and Unloading of Merchandise
Warehouse deconsolidation
Local transfer: full and empty
Deconsolidation and transshipment to box of 53 feet (53')
Inspection EIR
Photos of the merchandise and container
Container washing

Highly Trained Personel
State-of-the-Art Technology
Safe & Secure

Affordable & Reliable